SLASH! tells the story of Hunter Vennamun, an unknown, B-grade villain in the town of Hobb’s End. When the villain convention, ZahaKon, & the four Horror Lords arrive in Hobb’s End, they bar Hunter from joining the festivities. This sets him off on a quest for revenge, as he ventures to kill the Horror Lords & crash the convention.

SLASH! is a side-scrolling beat-’em-up-style action game, the objective of which is to defeat the four Horror Lords in boss battles, which lie at the end of levels filled with various enemies. Defeating all four bosses will end ZahaKon & save Hobb’s End.


  • Arrow Keys - Move
  • X - Light Attack
  • C - Heavy Attack
  • Z - Dash


Film and Media Team:

  • Adam Justice
  • Teddy Conrad
  • Dominic Vergara 

Art and Design Team:

  • Ryan Taylor
  • Daniel McIntyre
  • Alyssa Gonzalez

Programing Team:

  • Ky Le
  • Yucheng Chen

Music Composed by:

  • Chase Beorke

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